Fogarasi Andreas

Fogarasi Andreas



Andreas Fogarasi (born 1977 in Vienna) uses forms of display that are reminiscent of minimalism and conceptual art to explore questions of space and representation. Being situated between a documentary and a sculptural practice, his works critically analyse the aesthetisation and economisation of urban space and the role of architecture and the cultural field in contemporary society. Incorporating video, sculpture and installation in wide-sweeping discursive webs, Fogarasi confronts the viewer with fault lines in history, image politics and cultural identities.

His work was shown in numerous international institutions, among others at Museo Tamayo, Mexico City; MUMOK, Vienna; New Museum, New York; Kunstverein Düsseldorf; Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb; CAC, Vilnius; Ludwig Museum, Budapest; Palais de Toyko, Paris.

Solo exhibitions include: Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna (2019); Galerie Thomas Bernard, Paris (2018); Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna (2017); Proyectos Monclova, Mexico City (2016); MAK Center, Los Angeles (with Oscar Tuazon); Galeria Vermelho, Sao Paulo; GfZK – Museum of Contemporary Art, Leipzig; Museum Haus Konstruktiv, Zürich (2014); Trafó Gallery, Budapest; Prefix, Toronto (2012); Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid; CAAC – Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporaneo, Sevilla (2011); Ludwig Forum, Aachen (2010); MAK, Vienna; Grazer Kunstverein, Graz (2008) and at the Hungarian Pavilion at the 52. Biennale di Venezia (2007), where he was awarded the Golden Lion Prize for best national participation.


1999-03       Akademie der bildenden Künste, Wien / Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna

2002-03       Le pavillon, Palais de Tokyo, Paris

1997-99       Freie Klasse / Free Class, Vienna

1995-99       Architekturstudium, Hochschule für angewandte Kunst, Wien /

                     Studies of architecture, University of Applied Arts, Vienna


2023             Perika Award / Hungarian Media Architecture Award

2016            Msgr. Otto Mauer Prize

2015             Grafikpreis der Stadt Wien

2009             Staatsstipendium für bildende Kunst

2008             Prof. Hilde Goldschmidt Preis

                     Pro Cultura Hungarica Prize

2007             Golden Lion for best national participation, 52. Biennale di Venezia

2006             MAK Schindler Residency, Los Angeles

2005             Grafikpreis des Bundeskanzleramtes

2004             FKSE Stúdió Prize

Solo Exhibitions

2024             “Cities”, Gandy Gallery, Bratislava

                     “Collection”, Galeria Mesta Blanska, Blansko (Czech Republic)

2023             “1978”, Quartz Studio, Turin

                     “Last Minutes”, Kunsthaus Muerz, Mürzzuschlag (mit/with Markéta Othová)

                     “Kyiv, Brussels, Budapest”, Vintage Galéria, Budapest

                     “Letting Do”, Torula Artspace, Györ (mit/with Adrienn Kiss)

                     “Figur”, Kunstfenster, Gnas

2022             “Five Ways of Telling Time”, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna (mit/with Mariana Castillo Deball)

                     “Skin Calendar”, Budapest Galéria, Budapest

                     “2028”, VAI – Vorarlberger Architektur Institut, Dornbirn

2021             “Up and Down”, VI PER Gallery, Prague

2020             “Mi”, Vintage Galéria, Budapest (mit/with Christian Kosmas Mayer)

2019             “Nine Buildings, Stripped”, Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna

                     “Work”, Galería Casado Santapau, Madrid

                     “Vasarely Go Home”, Galerie Florence Loewy, Paris

                     “Kultur und Freizeit”, Per Albin, Wien (mit/with Christoph Ruckhäberle)
2018     “Production”, FL Gallery, Milan

                     “Kettő / Two”, Vintage Galéria, Budapest

                     “Monuments offerts”, Galerie Thomas Bernard / Cortex Athletico, Paris

                     “Black Concrete”, Kunstforum Montafon, Schruns (mit/with Martina Steckholzer)

2017             “Culture and Free Time”, Csili Cultural Center, Budapest

                     “Exhibition/s”, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna

                     “Plan”, Galéria mesta Bratislavy/Bratislava City Gallery, Bratislava

                     “Copy”, Kunstbüro, Vienna

2016             “Sculpture”, Proyectos Monclova, Mexico City

                     “Book Launch”, LAMOA – Los Angeles Museum of Art, Los Angeles

                     “Modelle”, Jesuitenfoyer, Vienna

2015             “Installation”, Tranzit, Iași (Romania)

                     “Video”, Galería Casado Santapau, Madrid

                     “Photography”, amt _ project, Bratislava

                     “Tracks and Traces”, City Museum, Belgrade (mit/with Sasa Tkacenko)

2014             “Black Earth”, MAK Center for Art and Architecture, Los Angeles (mit/with Oscar Tuazon)

                     “Vasarely Go Home”, GFZK – Museum of Contemporary Art, Leipzig

                     “Vasarely Go Home”, Museum Haus Konstruktiv, Zürich

                     “1988”, Galeria Vermelho, São Paulo

2013             “Année Le Nôtre”, Galerie Cortex Athletico, Paris

                     “Kiosk (Buda)”, Park Galéria, Budapest

                     “Kiosk (Buda)”, Georg Kargl Permanent, Vienna

2012             “2018”, Prefix Institute of Contemporary Art, Toronto

                     “180°”, Neuer Kunstverein Wien, Vienna (mit/with Mladen Bizumic)

                     “Vasarely Go Home”, Trafó, Budapest

                     “Vasarely Go Home”, Galerie Cortex Athletico, Bordeaux

                     “Épitészet / Architecture”, Liget Galéria, Budapest

                     “Headlines and Small Print”, Galerija Nova, Zagreb (mit/with Maryam Jafri)

2011             “La Ciudad de Color / Vasarely Go Home”, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid

                     “Constructing / Dismantling”, Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo, Sevilla

                     Solo presentation, Galerie Cortex Athletico, Armory Show, New York

2010             “Georgetown”, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna

                     “1998”, Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst, Aachen

2008             “Fairview”, Lombard-Freid Projects, New York

                     “Support Surface”, Galerie Cortex Athletico, Bordeaux

                     “2008”, MAK, Wien

                     “Információ”, Ernst Museum, Budapest

                     “Kultur und Freizeit”, Grazer Kunstverein, Graz                         

2007             “Kultur und Freizeit”, Hungarian Pavilion, 52. Biennale di Venezia

2006             “Norden”, Georg Kargl Box, Vienna

2005             “Westen (aka Osten)”, Grazer Kunstverein, Graz

“Süden”, Porschehof/Salzburger Kunstverein, Salzburg                          

2004             “A ist der Name für ein Modell / Étrangement proche”, Liget Galéria, Budapest

2003             “ABCity (The Player)”, Trafó, Budapest (curator)

“Welcome to Regions”, Display Gallery, Prague

               “A ist der Name für ein Modell / Étrangement proche”, Offspace, Vienna

2002             “Kultúrapark”, Stúdió Galéria, Budapest

“Culture Park”, Galerie 5020, Salzburg         

1999             “Modell Ambient (Bunte Laune)”, Transit VZW, Mechelen

Group Exhibitions (selection)

2024             “Clubs der Zukunft“, Kunstverein am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Berlin

                     “SEFO Triennale“, Olomouc Museum of Art, Olomouc (Czech Republic)

                     “Abstract Narratives“, Fridman Gallery, New York

                     “Loose Ends”, Modest Common, Los Angeles

                     “Museum of Real Estate Development“, Tranzit, Iași (Romania)

                     “Blind Date“, Museum Liaunig, Neuhaus/Suha

                     “Image Practices“, Q Contemporary, Budapest

                     “Täterätää! Back with a Bang! KEX Reopens“, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna

2023             “Humans and Demons”, Steirischer Herbst, Graz

                     “Handle with Care“, Ludwig Museum, Budapest

                     “Skulptur Wien“, Neuer Kunstverein Wien, Vienna

                     “F.I.R.E. – Flames In Readymade Entertainment”, Longtermhandstand, Budapest

                     “Synchron“, Ela Nord Studio, Vienna

“Coincidence of Wants”, Wien Museum MUSA, Vienna

“Spectacular City”, Holocaust Memorial Center, Budapest

                     “Urban Spaces“, Sammlung SpallArt, Salzburg

                     “Wir legen alles Geld zusammen”, Kunstverein Schattendorf

                     “Verzweigt. Bäume in Fotografien der Sammlung SpallArt”, Städtische Galerie Rosenheim

                     “Schau….9”, Kunsthaus Kollitsch, Klagenfurt

2022             “On/off the grid”, Jecza Gallery, Timisoara

                     “Schindler House Los Angeles – Space as a Medium of Art”, MAK, Vienna

                     “Job From Molnar“, Galería Casado Santapau, Madrid

                     “The Whole is Less than the Sum of its Parts“, Galéria mesta Bratislavy/Bratislava City Gallery, Bratislava

                     “I Had a Dog and a Cat“, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna

                     “Wiener Freiheit“, Galerie 3, Klagenfurt

                     “Lost in Space: Raum, Ding und Figur“, Museum Liaunig, Neuhaus/Suha

2021             “Expanded Sculpture”, Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo, Sevilla

                     “What Will Be“, Kunsthaus Graz

                     “Zwischen den Dingen“, Volkskundemuseum, Wien

                     “Architettura brutalista a Berlino“, Sala Espositivo Gino Valle, IUAV, Venice

                     “Haus“, Oststation, Wien   

                     “Private and Public Spaces. Works from the Balázs-Dénes collection“, Fuga Center of Architecture, Budapest

                     “Patron“, Q Contemporary, Budapest            

2020             “Study of Things“, Times Museum, Guangzhou

                     “Mindenütt jó, de…”, MODEM, Debrecen (online)

                     “Gallery for Peace”, Umetnostna galerija Maribor

                     “Would You Be Available …”, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna

                     “Bold and Free“, MAK, Vienna

“Agency of Undertones”, Trafó, Budapest

2019             “40.000 Ein Museum der Neugier”, 14. Fellbach Triennale, Fellbach

                     “Im Raum die Zeit lesen“, MUMOK, Wien     

                     “Iparterv 50+”, Ludwig Museum, Budapest

                     “Presencia lúcida”, Colección ESPAC, Mexico City
 “Hommage à 1969”, Vasarely Museum, Budapest

                     “Panel”, MODEM, Debrecen

                     “Textus Ex Machina”, aqb Project Space, Budapest
2018       “para inglês ver”, Post Ford Palace, Porto

                     “Into the City”, Museum Moderner Kunst Kärnten, Klagenfurt

                     “Universe of Relations”, ZARYA Center for Contemporary Art, Vladivostok

                     “Seeing artists voices”, Metro, Porto

                     “Stúdió’18 – Szalon”, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest

                     “Reduction”, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna

                     “Ist Eros der eben jetzt von mir beobachtete Planet?”, Kunstverein am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Berlin

2017             “Wanderings”, Galeria Cristina Guerra, Lisbon

                     “Traces of Time”, Leopold Museum, Vienna

                     “OFF Biennale”, Budapest

                     “Gazdálkodj okosan! / Economize!”, Ludwig Museum, Budapest

                     “Ice Floe – The institutional issue”, National Museum for the Visual Arts, Montevideo

                     “Abstract Hungary”, Künstlerhaus Halle für Kunst & Medien, Graz

                     “10 years old”, Fondazione Fotografia Modena, Modena

                     “Save As… – What Will Remain of New Media Art?”, Ludwig Museum, Budapest

                     “LAMOA presents: Mülheim/Ruhr und die 1970er-Jahre”, Kunstmuseum Mülheim an der Ruhr

                     “moi non moi”, Wiener Art Foundation in Athens, Athens

2016         “The Errors of Beauty”, National Gallery, Sofia

                     “The Language of Things – Material Hi/Stories from the Collection”, 21er Haus, Vienna

                     “Grenzen der Geste”, Galerie der Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Leipzig

                     “The Past is the Past”, Galerie Thomas Bernard / Cortex Athletico, Paris

                     “Cartography of Artist Solidarity”,, Budapest

                     “Art Capital”, Müvészet Malom, Szentendre (Hungary)

2015             “Destination Vienna”, Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna

                     “Nadezhda – The Hope Principle”, special project for the 6th Moscow Biennial, Moscow

                     “Wohin gehen wir? Videokunst zur Stadtgesellschaft”, Motorenhalle, Dresden

                     “Transparency”, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna

                     “Inside Out – Not So White Cube”, Mestna Galerija, Ljubljana

                     “Sector 17”, Galerie Martin Janda, Vienna

                     “[ ]”, Schwarzwaldallee, Basel

                     “Close Up”, etc. galerie, Prague

                     “El Presente en el Pasado”, Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo, Sevilla

                     “Vienna Biennale – 24/7. the human condition”, MAK, Vienna

                     “Der Raum nach dem Raum”, kunsthaus muerz, Mürzzuschlag

2014             “I Know Not to Know”, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna

                     “El Teatro del Mundo”, Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City

                     “Report on the Construction of a Spaceship Module”, New Museum, New York

                     “Turning Points”, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest                          

                     “Notes from Underground”, Baba Vasa’s Cellar, Shabla (Bulgaria)         

                     “Frisch eingetroffen – Neuankäufe Fotografie”, Landesgalerie Linz des OÖ. Landesmuseums, Linz

                     “Texte in der Kunst”, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna

                     “Urbane Perspektiven – Dark City”, Schafhof – Europäisches Künstlerhaus Oberbayern, Freising

                     “Interieurs”, Landesgalerie Linz des OÖ. Landesmuseums, Linz

2013             “Word+Work”, Galerie nächst St. Stephan Rosemarie Schwarzwälder, Vienna

                     “Jetztzeit (El tiempo del ahora)”, Centre d’Art la Panera, Lleida (Spain)

                     “Modern Architecture Works”, Vivacom Arthall, Sofia

                     “Cinematic Scope”, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna

                     “De belles sculptures contemporaines – la collection du Frac des Pays de la Loire”, Hab Galerie, Nantes 

                              “Conceptualism Today – Conceptual Art in Hungary since the beginning of the 1990s”, Paksi Képtár, Paks

                     “Die Sammlung 2 / The Collection 2”, 21er Haus, Vienna

2012             “Ça & Là / This & There”, Fondation Ricard, Paris

                     “Montag ist erst übermorgen”, Akademie der bildenden Künste, Vienna

“Gallery by Night”, Stúdió Galéria, Budapest

                     “Bleibende Werte? /Enduring Value?”, Kunsthaus, Bregenz

                     “Demnächst”, Galerie 5020, Salzburg

                     “Die Sammlung / The Collection”, 21er Haus, Vienna

                     “State of Affairs”, amt _ project, Bratislava

2011             “Erschaute Bauten / Envisioned Buildings”, MAK, Vienna

                     “Beziehungsarbeit”, Künstlerhaus, Vienna

                     “Monument Valley – Jaegerspris Revisited”, UFO presents, Berlin

                     “5×5 2011”, Espai d´art contemporani de Castelló, Castelló (Spain)

                     “Shift and Flow“ Dorsky Gallery Curatorial Programs, New York

                     “alter///scrinium – Ten Theses of Architecture”, 9th International Film Festival, Vladivostok

                     “In Between, Austria Contemporary“ CAC, Vilnius

                     “Magáért beszél“ Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest

                     “Where is my Place”, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venezia

                     “Passion of an Ornithologist. On Myth Making”, BWA Sokol, Nowy Sacz (Poland)

                     “NeoSI #2: neue Situationistische Inter……nationale”, Kunstraum Schattendorf (Austria)

                     “Public Folklore”, Grazer Kunstverein, Graz

2010             “Related Spaces“, Ernst Museum, Budapest

                     “There has been no Future, there will be no Past”, ISCP, New York

                     “Architecture and Context – Breuer in Pécs”, Fuga – Budapest Center of Architecture, Budapest

                     “La Ciudad Interpretada”, Public Space/CGAC, Santiago de Compostela

                     “Paisatge. Paisatge?”, Angels Barcelona

                     “Over the Counter”, Mücsarnok, Budapest

                     “Le présent du passé”, FRAC des Pays de la Loire, Gétigné-Clisson

                     “Unmistakable Sentences”, Ludwig Museum, Budapest

                     “Transitland”, Space Gallery, Bratislava

                     “Art Always has its Consequences”, former Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb

                     “Arrivals and Departures_Europe”, Mole Vanvitelliana, Ancona

                     “A Pair of Left Shoes”, MSU – Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb

                     “Fine Line”, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Wien

2009             “TypoPass”, Labor, Budapest

                     “History, Memory, Identity”, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena

                     “BC 21 Art Award”, Augarten Contemporary, Wien

                     “A Pair of Left Shoes”, Kunstmuseum Bochum, Bochum

                     “Új szerzemények – rég nem látott művek”, Ludwig Museum, Budapest

                              “Reduction&Suspense”, Magazin4 – Bregenzer Kunstverein, Bregenz

                     “El Pasado en el Presente”, Laboral Centro de Arte, Gijon

                     “Reading the City” ev+a Exhibition of Visual Art, Limerick

                     “Fifty Fifty”, Wien Museum Karlsplatz, Vienna

                              “Figure/Ground”, Transit, Mechelen

                              “Rewind, Fast Forward – Video Art from the Collection”, Neue Galerie, Graz

                              “Expanded Box – Cinema”, ARCO, Madrid

2008             “Moirés”, Kunstraum der Universität Lüneburg

                     “Colección Pecar. Atemporalidad”, Museo de Arte Moderno y Contemporáneo, Santander

                              “In Between, Austria Contemporary“ Genia Schreiber University Art Gallery, Tel Aviv

                     “Modern Ruin”, Queensland Art Gallery / Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane

                     “6th International Biennale”, Gyumri (Armenia)

                     “Art Unlimited”, Art 39 Basel

                     “50” Studio Galeria, Budapest

                     “Islands+Ghettos”, Heidelberger Kunstverein

                     “Scene Missing”, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna

                     “Scene Missing”, Galerie Thomas Schulte, Berlin

                     “Undiszipliniert”, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna

“Am Puls der Stadt – 2000 Jahre Karlsplatz”, Wien Museum Karlsplatz, Vienna

2007             “Cine y casi cine”, Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid

                     “Kapitaler Glanz”, Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf     

                     “Models for Tomorrow: Cologne”, European Kunsthalle, Cologne

2006             “This Land is my Land”, NGBK, Berlin

                     “Center”, MAK Center, Los Angeles

                     “wood, photographs, aluminium plate, LED, table, book, silkscreen, personal computer, monitor,

                     web connection, nivea cream, video, paper, graphite, pencil, acrylic”, Galerie Jocelyn Wolff, Paris

                     “How to do Things?”, Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Bethanien, Berlin

“This Land is my Land”, Kunsthalle Nürnberg

“Der Raum zwischen zwei Bildern”, Fotohof, Salzburg

“Geschichte(n) vor Ort”, Volkertviertel, Vienna

“How to do Things?”, Trafó, Budapest

2005             “Re:Modern”, Künstlerhaus, Vienna

                     “Brutal Ornamental”, Galerie Kosak Hall, Vienna

“Reading in Absence”, Trafó, Budapest

“Utopie : Freiheit, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna

“Alice Creischer/Andreas Siekmann, Andreas Fogarasi, Dorit Margreiter”,

Kunstraum Lakeside, Klagenfurt (permanent)

“Storyboards – Trapped in the escape”, Vector Gallery, Iasi

                     “citysellingcitytelling”, Sparwasser HQ, Berlin

2004             “Images of Violence/Violence of Images”, Biennale of Young Artists, Bucharest

                     “Living Room”, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna

“Wiener Linien”, Wien Museum Karlsplatz, Vienna

                     “Video as Urban Condition”, Austrian Cultural Forum, London

“Formate – (re-)constructing the city”, Galeria Noua, Bucharest

2003             “Gegeben sind… Konstruktion und Situation”, Galerie im Taxispalais, Innsbruck

“Balkan Konsulat proudly presents: Budapest”, Rotor, Graz

“GNS”, Palais de Tokyo, Paris

“Gravitation”, Moszkva tér, Budapest

                     “Grosser Sommer an der Thaya”, Drosendorf

2002             “Site-Seeing: Disneyfication of Cities?”, Künstlerhaus, Vienna

“Evidence”, Essor Gallery Project Space, London

“Manifesta 4”, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt/Main             

                     “Double Bind”, ATA Center for Contemporary Art, Sofia

“Gallery by Night”, Stúdió Galéria, Budapest

2001             “Szerviz”, Mücsarnok/Kunsthalle, Budapest

“Real presence”, Studentski Kulturni Centar, Belgrad

“A table, an office, a building…”, Semperdepot, Vienna

                     “January Show”, Passagegalerie Künstlerhaus, Vienna

2000             “block”, Apex Art, New York

                     “99/00”, Semperdepot, Vienna

1998             “Clarice Works”, Zentnerstrasse 18, München

1997             “Új stúdiósok”, Duna Galéria, Budapest

1995             “Odyssee today”, University of Athens

                     “Odyssee today”, Depot, Vienna


MUMOK – Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Vienna

MAK – Museum für Angewandte Kunst/Gegenwartskunst, Vienna

Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Vienna

Kontakt – The Art Collection of Erste Group, Vienna

EVN-Collection, Maria Enzersdorf

Bank Austria Kunstforum, Vienna

Kupferstichkabinett der Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Vienna

Museum der Moderne, Salzburg

Neue Galerie – Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz

Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck
Landesgalerie Linz – Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum, Linz

Sammlung SpallArt, Vienna

Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst, Aachen
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid

Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo, Sevilla

Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest

Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest

Horvath Art Foundation, Budapest

Hungarian National Bank, Budapest
Frac des Pays de la Loire, Carquefou

Fondazione Fotografica – Cassa di Risparmio di Modena, Modena

Colección ESPAC, Ciudad de Mexico

Collection Château Chasse-Spleen, Bordeaux

Press-Reviews (selection)

Patricia Grzonka, “Stadt im Wort”, (27.11.2024)

Andrey Shental, “From Every Depth of Good and Ill – Steirischer Herbst”, Spike 77 (2023)

Sophie Jung, “Kunst wie ein ungemütlicher Wecker – Steirischer Herbst in Graz”, TAZ, 3.10.2023

Wojciech Czaja, “Durch die Zerstörung von Architektur verliert die Stadt ihre Identität, Der Standard, 8.7.2023

Barbara Ruperti, “1978: la metamorfosi urbana di Andreas Fogarasi”, ATPDiary (5.7.2023)

Giuseppe Arnesano, “Il rigore dell’invisibile. La mostra di Andreas Fogarasi a Torino”, Atribune (28.6.2023)

Cristina Meli, “1978. La prima personale di Andreas Fogarasi a Torino”, (30.5.2022)

Cecilia Paccagenella, “1978 – Andreas Fogarasi”, segnonline (2.6.2023)

Bettina Spörr, “Andreas Fogarasi. Space / Image / Box“, Eikon #118 (2022)

Géza Kulcsár, “A helyes koncentráció – Andreas Fogarasi új kiállitásáról“, (22.4.2022)

Nicole Scheyerer, “Fünf Arten, Zeit zu erzählen“, Falter 6/2022

Karlheinz Roschitz, “Zeiten erzählen…“, Kronen Zeitung, 12.2.2022

Nine Buildings, Stripped (Cover feature), Arch+ Nr. 244 (2021)

Sylvia Metz, “In the Studio with Andreas Fogarasi”, The Collectors Chronicle 13 (2020)

Emese Révész, “A Felejtés boritékjai – Andreas Fogarasi sorozatáról“, Balkon 2020_6

Christian Egger, “Urbane Transformationsprozesse und ihre Manifestationen in Oberflächen”, Dérive, Nr. 78 (2019)

Walter Seidl, “Andreas Fogarasi: Nine Buildings, Stripped”, Parnass 4/2019

Nicole Scheyerer, “Konzeptkunst aus dem Bauschutt gefischt“, Falter 50/2019

Franziska Leeb, “Griss um die alten Fliesen”, Die Presse, 27.1.2020

Brigitte Borchhart-Birbaumer, “Dokumente des Umbruchs”, Wiener Zeitung, 13.11.2019

Almuth Spiegler, “Er verschnürt Häuser zu Paketen”, Die Presse, 13.11.2019

Amira Ben Saoud, “Urbanist Andreas Fogarasi in der Kunsthalle Wien”,, 18.11.2019

Michael Huber, “Ein Blick auf die Kleider, die die Stadt ablegt. Andreas Fogarasis Baumaterial-Skulpturen”, Kurier, 31.1.20

Anna Barbieri, “Symbolische Ordnung in bauliche Hüllen. Andreas Fogarasis Materialpakete”,, 27.11.2019

Nicole Scheyerer, “Logos für den Gemeindebau“, Falter 14/2019

Zsanett Lépold, “Andreas Fogarasi a Vintage-ban”, Artmagazin, 108 (2018)

Franz Thalmair, “Andreas Fogarasi”, Critic’s Picks,

Yuki Higashino, “Andreas Fogarasi: Plan / Plán”, Springerin, 3/2017

Nicole Scheyerer, “Fassaden mit Tiefgang”, Falter 3/17

Nina Schedlmayer, “Weihnachten im Taxi”, Profil, 12.12.2016

Manisha Jothady, “Das Gesicht unserer Städte”, Wiener Zeitung, 6.12.2016

Roman Gerold, “Interview mit Andreas Fogarasi”, Der Standard, 7./8.12.2016

Daria Ghiu, “Installation: In Search of the Materiality of the City”, IDEA, #47 (2015)

Ana Bogdanovic, “Tracks and Traces”,

Elena Vozmediano, “Fogarasi, algo que mostrar”, El Cultural, 1.5.2015

Kinga Bódi, “Interview with Andreas Fogarasi”, Balkon, 5/2015

Daria Ghiu, “Interviu cu Andreas Fogarasi”, Dilema veche, nr. 583 (2015)

Luisa Espino, “Entrevista con Andreas Fogarasi”, Dardo Magazine, 26 (2015)

Yuki Higashino, “Andreas Fogarasi: Vasarely Go Home”, Springerin, 3/2014

Christa Benzer, “Film und Kunst: Endlose Schleifen”, Der Standard, 7.2.2013

Juliane Debeusscher, “Andreas Fogarasi: La ciudad de color / Vasarely Go Home”, Springerin, 2/2012

Erzsébet Tatai, “A müvész mint (müvészet)történesz”, Müértö, April 2012

Gábor Kaszás, “Andreas Fogarasi: Vasarely Go Home”, Balkon, 3/2012

Maja & Reuben Fowkes, “Vasarely Go Home”, Time Out Budapest, March 2012

Emese Kürti, “Szemérmes performansz”, Magyar Narancs, 22.3.2012

Javier Díaz-Guardiola, “El Ciudadano – Andreas Fogarasi”, ABC Cultural, 1.10.2011

Thomas Wulffen, “My City – Türkei Europa”, Kunstforum International, 207 (2010)

Sophie Goltz, “Stadt Museum”, Texte zur Kunst, Juni 2010

Astrid Wege, “Andreas Fogarasi”, Artforum, Summer 2010

Anne Faucheret, “Andreas Fogarasi”, Art21, numéro 27, été 2010

Anne Katrin Fessler, “Zauber und Techno der Städte”, Der Standard, 4.11.2010

Bomi Ahn, Richard Nikl, “Re-Thinking the City – Interview with Andreas Fogarasi”, Fountain, Nr. 2 (2010)

“Andreas Fogarasi”, ConTemporary Art, 2010/2011

Saskia Draxler, “Figure/Ground”, Critic’s Picks,

Eva Fabbris, “The Body, The House, The City and Other Prisons”, Kaleidoscope, Issue 02 (2009)

Beata Hock, “Andreas Fogarasi”, Exit Express, #37, Junio/Septiembre 2008

Nicole Scheyerer, “Kurven, überall Kurven”, Die Presse, 10.4.2008

Roland Schöny, “Der Grammatik von Räumen auf der Spur”,, 29.4.2008

Edit András, “Nachwirkungen”, Springerin 3/08

Sønke Gau, “Eine Verschachtelung von Räumen”, die bildende 03 (2008)

“3 Fragen an Andreas Fogarasi”, Monopol 12/2007

Szemerey Samu, “Interview with Andreas Fogarasi”, The Room, Fashion and Art Magazin, 2007/november

Rainer Bellenbaum, “Dispositiv-Wechsel”, Camera Austria, 99/2007

Andrea Winklbauer, “Velum mit bunten Flecken”,, 11.6.2007

Benno Schirrmeister, “Isa Genzgens “Öl für Kunst”-Programm”, Die Tageszeitung, 9./10.6.2007

Nina Schedlmayer, “Andreas Fogarasi bespielt den ungarischen Biennale-Pavillon”, Kunstzeitung 131/Juli 2007

Nicole Scheyerer, “Andreas Fogarasi”, Frieze, April 2007

Iris Meder, “Theorie, fragmentiert”,, 25.3.2007

Manisha Jothady, “Gescheiterte Biosphäre”, Die Presse, 16.11.2006

Mathias Dusini, Nicole Scheyerer, “Gute Idee”, Falter 46/06

Christa Benzer, “Lokalaugenschein im Ziel-2-Gebiet”, Der Standard, 7.6.2006

Roland Schöny, “Stadträume im Fokus – Andreas Fogarasi”, Parnass 1/06

Tijana Stepanovic, “Mind the Gap”,, 2005

Eva Kernbauer, “Andreas Fogarasi: Westen (aka Osten)”, Springerin 3/05

Andrea Domesle, “Die Sprache des Designs”,, 11.2.2005

Edit András, “Andorra különösen közel van”, Müértö, November 2004

Nicole Scheyerer, “Kunst kurz”, Falter 40/04

Cosmin Costinas, “Moving Formats”, IDEA #18, 2004

Rainer Metzger, “Gelegenheit zu einer kleinen Verzweiflung”,, 2004

Nicole Scheyerer, “Kunst kurz”, Falter 24/03

Szövényi Anikó, “Ökumenikus szörf, Moszkva tér”,, 2003

Balázs Beöthy, “Gravitáció”, Európai Utas 2/2003

Miklós Erhardt, “Trianon Dérive”, Praesens 1/2003

Susanne Jäger, “Site-Seeing”, Flash Art, March/April 2003

Marie Röbl, “Site-Seeing”, Camera Austria, February/March 2003

Matthias Dusini, “Mickey in den Städten”, Falter 51-52/02

Dorothee Frank, “Site-Seeing”,, 2002

Thomas Wulffen, “Manifesta 4”, Kunstforum International 161, 2002

Eva Maria Magel, “Manifesta: Andreas Fogarasi”, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 16.8.2002

Gislind Nabakowski, “Manifesta 4”, Tages Anzeiger, 6.6.2002

Janneke de Vries, “Künstlerportrait Andreas Fogarasi”, Frankfurter Rundschau, 15.7.2002

Sønke Gau, “Andreas Fogarasi: Culture Park”, Springerin 2/02

Anselm Wagner, “Galerienrundschau”, Der Standard, 18.3.2002

Nicole Scheyerer, “Kunst kurz”, Falter 3/01

Luk Lambrecht, De Morgen, 7.5.1999

Kristien Philippe, Gazet van Antwerpen, 6.5.1999

Catalogues, Artist Books

“Andreas Fogarasi – Haus der Begegnung“, Vienna (KÖR Kunst in öffentlichen Raum Wien), 2021

“Andreas Fogarasi – Nine Buildings, Stripped“, Vienna (Kunsthalle Wien), 2019

“Andreas Fogarasi – Plan / Plán”, Bratislava (Galéria Mesta Bratislavy), 2017

“Andreas Fogarasi – Free Book Year”, Vienna/Los Angeles, 2016

“Andreas Fogarasi – Vasarely Go Home”, Leipzig (Spector Books), 2014

“Andreas Fogarasi – Panorama. The Right of View”, Bratislava (Sputnik Editions), 2013

“Andreas Fogarasi – Cité de Refuge”, Paris, 2012

“Sasha Pirker / Andreas Fogarasi – Eagle Rock Playground House”, Leipzig (Spector Books), 2011

“Andreas Fogarasi – Cities and Placemarks, Folkemuseum”, Wien, Aachen (dérive), 2010

“Andreas Fogarasi – Information”, Frankfurt/Main (Revolver), 2008

“Andreas Fogarasi – Információ”, Budapest (Mücsarnok), 2008

“Andreas Fogarasi – 2008”, Wien (Schlebrügge), 2008

“Andreas Fogarasi – Kultur und Freizeit”, ed. Katalin Timár, Köln (Walther König), 2007

“Andreas Fogarasi – A ist der Name für ein Modell / Étrangement proche”, Frankfurt/Main (Revolver), 2006